Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I Am Paying With My Thunder Card!!

I have come to a conclusion in regards to the credit ratings of perfect strangers... if you have pictures of stupid crap on your credit card, then your limit is probably $350-$500 bucks tops.

The person in front of you paying for their Venti Soy Latte is telling alot about themselves when they whip out the plastic to pay for this item. First off they are saying, I don't have enough in my checking account to cover this $3.50 coffee but I really need it right now so I will use my credit card. The second thing they are telling you is what their fico score is. If you see a plain color like, let's say silver for example, then this person probably has decent credit. However, if you see a cat playing with a ball of yarn... odds are this person probably won't qualify to lease a Kia.

The credit card companies are playing a dirty trick on us. They want to entice you with a picture so you might ignore the interest rate or the total limit. "Hey check out this awesome picture of hot air balloons taking off... you don't need to read any of that small print over there though."

They also throw words at you to describe your new card. Platinum is a popular one these days. A platinum card used to mean you were an established customer of that particular company and they rewarded you with a high limit and a low interest rate. Now they throw it on every card they can. The only term on a credit card that impresses me these days would have to be a Black Card from American Express... or as Kayne West likes to say "... Oh my God, is that a Black Card... and I replied Why Yes, though I prefer African American Express...". If you have one of those cards you are doing something correct financially or you are a popular rapper/producer.

Don't find fault with the person in front of you with that lightning bolt on their credit card however. They may be in a rebuilding phase financially and this is the first card they can qualify for. They are using this card to restore their credit rating and move up in the (credit-oriented) world. They just made a bad choice when looking at all the stickers that came with their new offer for a limit of $500 and a starting balance of $150 due to processing charges and annual fees. A better idea is to congratulate them for trying to "grow" their personal finances, and be "proactive" in their quest for a better fico score, and their "use" of corporate buzz words.

I happen to know from personal experience that it the image on one's credit card might not always peg them for a deadbeat, it might say more about them than you think...

What does my card say about me you ask? Oh, you didn't ask... well I will tell you anyway...

It says I am rebuilding as well...

or maybe it says I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em...

1 comment:

Grimmus Brown said...

i like to use my card to earn points as well, and i have great FICO scroes about 720. I carry Platnium because I am awesome and I am great at life.